Photo: @chrisellelim
YouTube可以同時具有高質感時尚但卻又平易近人嗎?Chriselle Lim辦到了。這位部落客同時也是位YouTuber,經常可在NYFW(紐約時尚周)的前排捕捉到她的身影。她的造型雖然走得很前端,不過Chriselle的lookbooks中有很多穿衣風格以及搭配的點子值得我們參考並且實踐在日常穿搭中。
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for great shopping finds, beauty tips and styling suggestions from Rachel.
High-fashion and YouTube in a symbiotic relationship? Chriselle Lim makes it happen. The blogger and YouTuber is often spotted front row at NYFW but her lookbooks and tutorials are full of accessible yet editorial-worthy outfit ideas. Photo: @chrisellelim
Photo: @imjennim
有一部分是影音部落格一部分是lookbook,Jenn Im的穿搭日記具有潮流風格,以及提供依季節變換的穿搭小技巧與品牌資訊供你購物參考。
how Rachel sees:這位嫩妹部落客的長相滿常能在台灣看的到,滿漂亮的。她的風格就比較年輕活潑街頭一點。恩,如果要去樂園或是海灘玩的話,她的look是可以參考一下啦。覺得他的影片略顯冗長...
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for great shopping finds, beauty tips and styling suggestions from Rachel.
High-fashion and YouTube in a symbiotic relationship? Chriselle Lim makes it happen. The blogger and YouTuber is often spotted front row at NYFW but her lookbooks and tutorials are full of accessible yet editorial-worthy outfit ideas. Photo: @chrisellelim
Photo: @lisaeldridgemakeup
Lisa Eldridge的美妝作品使讓雜誌封面更加出色,他也曾幫許多名人化妝例如Alexa Chung 以及 Cara Delevigne。掌握這位英國彩妝師的美妝技巧,可以讓你成為A級明星以及專業的裝扮。(小心走在路上被星探發掘!)
how Rachel sees: 他的妝感比較適合日常生活,而且很好學,沒有很多有的沒有的工具,自己在家也可以輕鬆學,而且你想學英國腔的話,不妨參考她的頻道唷~
4th→Beauty: Miss Maven Dot Com
4th→Beauty: Miss Maven Dot Com
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for great shopping finds, beauty tips and styling suggestions from Rachel.
High-fashion and YouTube in a symbiotic relationship? Chriselle Lim makes it happen. The blogger and YouTuber is often spotted front row at NYFW but her lookbooks and tutorials are full of accessible yet editorial-worthy outfit ideas. Photo: @chrisellelim
Lisa Eldridge’s work has graced magazine covers worldwide and she has decorated the faces of everyone from Alexa Chung to Cara Delevigne. The British makeup artist’s beauty tutorials show you how to get the A-List looks and professional primping skills (watch out for celeb cameos!). Photo: @lisaeldridgemakeup
Photo: @tenipanosian
畫的一手好煙燻妝、習得強調輪廓的妝容,以及完美複製以最新紅毯為靈感的彩妝look,你以為會很難嗎?跟著Teni Pension的教學影片一起,你也可以輕鬆擁有!
how Rachel sees: 他的影片我真的是流連忘返,除了步驟清楚,妝感強烈之外,他的聲音也好好聽喔~~~適合想學強烈妝感的妹子喔!但是,他的工具實在太多了,是個工具人,所以有時候會有點困惑。
5th→Beyond: LEAFtv
畫的一手好煙燻妝、習得強調輪廓的妝容,以及完美複製以最新紅毯為靈感的彩妝look,你以為會很難嗎?跟著Teni Pension的教學影片一起,你也可以輕鬆擁有!
how Rachel sees: 他的影片我真的是流連忘返,除了步驟清楚,妝感強烈之外,他的聲音也好好聽喔~~~適合想學強烈妝感的妹子喔!但是,他的工具實在太多了,是個工具人,所以有時候會有點困惑。
5th→Beyond: LEAFtv
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for great shopping finds, beauty tips and styling suggestions from Rachel.
High-fashion and YouTube in a symbiotic relationship? Chriselle Lim makes it happen. The blogger and YouTuber is often spotted front row at NYFW but her lookbooks and tutorials are full of accessible yet editorial-worthy outfit ideas. Photo: @chrisellelim
Lisa Eldridge’s work has graced magazine covers worldwide and she has decorated the faces of everyone from Alexa Chung to Cara Delevigne. The British makeup artist’s beauty tutorials show you how to get the A-List looks and professional primping skills (watch out for celeb cameos!). Photo: @lisaeldridgemakeup
Get the perfect smoky eye, learn how to contour, and replicate the latest red carpet-inspired makeup look with easy-to-follow tutorials from the beautiful Teni Pension.
Photo: @tenipanosian
Photo: @leaftv
部落客 Geri Hirsh 真的很懂得生活,而且當你在看他的影片時會有種相見恨晚的遺憾!LEAFtv包含所有我們愛的:生活、美食、時尚,這個平台內容包羅萬象,從教你如何製作酪梨吐司到整理你的衣櫥。
how Rachel sees: 這根本時尚版生活智慧王啊!光看他的影片我也覺得生活品質提升不少XDD 影片沒有任何人聲,只有美美的畫面以及文字,輕鬆無負擔!
5th→Beyond: Mr Kate
how Rachel sees: 這根本時尚版生活智慧王啊!光看他的影片我也覺得生活品質提升不少XDD 影片沒有任何人聲,只有美美的畫面以及文字,輕鬆無負擔!
5th→Beyond: Mr Kate
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for great shopping finds, beauty tips and styling suggestions from Rachel.
High-fashion and YouTube in a symbiotic relationship? Chriselle Lim makes it happen. The blogger and YouTuber is often spotted front row at NYFW but her lookbooks and tutorials are full of accessible yet editorial-worthy outfit ideas. Photo: @chrisellelim
Lisa Eldridge’s work has graced magazine covers worldwide and she has decorated the faces of everyone from Alexa Chung to Cara Delevigne. The British makeup artist’s beauty tutorials show you how to get the A-List looks and professional primping skills (watch out for celeb cameos!). Photo: @lisaeldridgemakeup
Get the perfect smoky eye, learn how to contour, and replicate the latest red carpet-inspired makeup look with easy-to-follow tutorials from the beautiful Teni Pension.
Photo: @tenipanosian
Photo: @mrkatedotcom
Kate Albrecht 是一位終極手作工匠達人,一槍在手(熱熔膠槍)再加上他具有具有喜感渲染力(瘋癲)的個性,根本所向無敵!Kate用獨特品味裝潢家居,想DIY卻又不知如何下手,看他的影片就對了。
how Rachel sees: 看他的影片真心讓我覺得放鬆,就像在看美國實境秀一樣的有趣。而且他大喇喇(瘋癲瘋癲)樂天的個性,會感染你讓你跟他一起享受手做的樂趣!
how Rachel sees: 看他的影片真心讓我覺得放鬆,就像在看美國實境秀一樣的有趣。而且他大喇喇(瘋癲瘋癲)樂天的個性,會感染你讓你跟他一起享受手做的樂趣!
Photo: @leaftv
Kate Albrecht is the ultimate craft maven. Armed with a hot glue gun and her infectiously fun personality, she puts her unique spin on home decor, at-home beauty, and fashion-forward DIYs. Photo: @mrkatedotcom
Photo: @thetrishashow
how Rachel sees: come on~神煩躁耶!光聽他們配音還有髮質很差的芭比娃娃就讓我想砸螢幕!還可以這麼長壽,台灣世間情還比較好看咧。美式幽默有時真的讓我覺得很廉價。
8th→Beyond: It's Kingsley B*!^h
how Rachel sees: come on~神煩躁耶!光聽他們配音還有髮質很差的芭比娃娃就讓我想砸螢幕!還可以這麼長壽,台灣世間情還比較好看咧。美式幽默有時真的讓我覺得很廉價。
8th→Beyond: It's Kingsley B*!^h
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for great shopping finds, beauty tips and styling suggestions from Rachel.
High-fashion and YouTube in a symbiotic relationship? Chriselle Lim makes it happen. The blogger and YouTuber is often spotted front row at NYFW but her lookbooks and tutorials are full of accessible yet editorial-worthy outfit ideas. Photo: @chrisellelim
Lisa Eldridge’s work has graced magazine covers worldwide and she has decorated the faces of everyone from Alexa Chung to Cara Delevigne. The British makeup artist’s beauty tutorials show you how to get the A-List looks and professional primping skills (watch out for celeb cameos!). Photo: @lisaeldridgemakeup
Get the perfect smoky eye, learn how to contour, and replicate the latest red carpet-inspired makeup look with easy-to-follow tutorials from the beautiful Teni Pension.
Photo: @tenipanosian
Kate Albrecht is the ultimate craft maven. Armed with a hot glue gun and her infectiously fun personality, she puts her unique spin on home decor, at-home beauty, and fashion-forward DIYs. Photo: @mrkatedotcom
The hilarious and long-running (3 years and 4 seasons!) stop motion series is proof that playing with Barbies is, in fact, still fun. The over-the-top and laugh-out-loud doll soap opera is Mattel meets Mean Girls. Photo: @thetrishashow
Photo: @kingsleyyy
Kingsley的臉是千萬個GIF圖檔標誌,而且你不得不愛上這位像動畫人物般的諧星。他的頻道"Talko Tusedays"是在討論流行文化,可以成為你最好笑的朋友並且徹底瓦解US Weekly(類似壹週刊)。
how Rachel sees: Kingsley是美國小有名氣的部落客以及youtuber耶!已經有300萬人訂閱他的YouTube,滿多人喜歡聽他評論一些名人跟娛樂新聞這樣。老實說:這也是一個神煩躁地平台XDDD 不多作贅述了,有興趣就追蹤吧。
2 kind of Jan. 15teen要加油加油惹!!!!
how Rachel sees: Kingsley是美國小有名氣的部落客以及youtuber耶!已經有300萬人訂閱他的YouTube,滿多人喜歡聽他評論一些名人跟娛樂新聞這樣。老實說:這也是一個神煩躁地平台XDDD 不多作贅述了,有興趣就追蹤吧。
2 kind of Jan. 15teen要加油加油惹!!!!